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Graphic MUD

Graphic MUD is an open-source MUD (a text-based multiplayer game genre from the early days of the Internet) engine that specializes in including graphics, especially tile graphics for area maps.


  • Extensive client capability detection Required to determine support for color, graphics, sound, charsets and MUD protocols
  • Backward compatibility The engine aims to still be playable using an ordinary telnet connection or with all existing MUD clients out there - of course with adjusted appearance
  • Multi network support The main focus of the MUD is being playable via classic Telnet connection, connectors to Discord or Telegram do exist as well.
  • Extensibility A plugin mechanism allows you to decide which features you need. This explicitly includes third party modules. APIs allow you to even exchange backends like character storage.
  • Customizable Wherever possible the framework tries to separate engine code and game logic. If you want to write a MUD for your favorite RPG, you only need to write code regarding the RPG stuff, but don't need to dive into the engine code. You can also use your own graphic tilesets.
  • Open Source Graphic MUD is licensed under Mozilla Public License. You can find the source code on Bitbucket.

Current State

Right now this project is in very early stages. We do have a tech demo to test the graphics, but not a MU* yet.